iPhone Wont Charge Or Turn ON Problem Solved Quickly
iPhone wont charge? Here’s the solution to Fix It Sometimes iPhone plugged in, but it will not charge the mobile. Is the iPhone damaged? Is it time to get a new one? Mostly not, since there are few basic reasons that iPhone wont charge, and mostly there is nothing to do with the iPhone if it was damaged. How to solve this iPhone wont charge issues Here you can get the better methods to solve this iPhone charging issues. To do this just follow the points explained bellow. How to verify if the iPhone wont charge Whenever the gadget is plugged-in to power socket, look at the status of the battery symbol. If there is a lightning bolt after the battery symbol, the iPhone is charging. lightning bolt symbol while charging of iPhone And if the iPhone is not charging then there is no lightning bolt after the battery symbol If the iPhone wont charge then we may face the iPhone wont turn on the problem too. Read the bellow points to know reasons and get the solution fo...